giovedì 30 marzo 2017

Mini max t124

Sono molte le caratteristiche che deve avere un buon tornio, la potenza, la velocità, il peso, la stabilità e la rigidità. Appassionato da anni al “fardasè” ho maturato una notevole competenza soprattutto nel settore delle macchine per la lavorazione del legno. MINIMAX T1- CE completo di: - base a terra e ripiano porta-utensili (Nella foto tornio nella versione con copiatore). Marca: Scm minimax.

Experience the Elite Advantage with Free Shipping and top-notch customer service. Y woodworkers and craftsmen workshops.

This machine is fast, easy-to-use, reliable and capable of a variety of woodworking projects. What is the general consensus regarding this lathe? Anyone use Mini-Max T1Duplicating Lathe? MiniMax T1copy lathe Less than one year of use in a clean, organized wood shop.

It easily duplicates turnings from a template, it is single phase. With us you will find challenging jobs, enthusiastic colleagues and attractive benefits. Home Copy Lathe Cutters Rotary Knife Lathe Tooling. This is a very good choice for small joinery companies wanting to occasioanlly reproduce stair spindles, legs or turned wood components from a template.

Standard Features Vee.

Klikkaa tästä kuvat ja lisätiedot. Mini Max T1Lathe $ 995. TORNIO PER LEGNO MINIMAX Mod. PER PREZZI e Altri Modelli Clicca QUI.

Dispositivo a copiare ideale per piccole serie, con lunghezza di copiatura da mm. REPRODUCE IDENTICAL SPINDLES EASILY. X 47″BETWEEN CENTERS. WITH HTC MOBILE BASE TO MOVE AROUND SHOP EASILY.

For manufacturing Joiners, Shopfitters, Furniture Manufacturers, Builders and the enthusiast. Good Condition And In Full Working Order. Minimax T1Wood Turning Lathe with Copy Device.

Between centers -200mm Swing over bed -Speed NB: Add to quote if you are planning on purchasing more than one product and receive a discount! Stay Connected. SCMI MINI-MAX T124.

Upcoming Auctions Past Auctions. Hi Mick, thanks for the reply, I have zero experience with a copy lathe. The main turning would be done on either ash or maple. But I would need to turn ebony and other hardwoods also, not necessarily using the copy attachment though.

Verkaufe sehr gut erhaltene Drechselbank mit Futter, Planscheibe, Kopiervorrichtung, verschiedene Drechselmesser.

Ho avuto per anni un tornio minimax mi sembra il T1, ma funzionava a 2Anche questo dovrebbe essere T1, ma va a 3e non ha il copiatore. Quindi in base alla tua esperienza, il giudizio sul tornio è positivo. Kopiointisorvi MiniMax T124. Unavailable per item Triangular gouge to suit T1machines adapted for this type of gouge.

Free shipping for many products! WOODLATHE MINIMAX T1CE. Did you win this item? Baldor 1hp electric motor and Steelex chisels. Shop in MiniMax - from ReardonsWoodworkingMachinery. Find more of what you love on eBay stores!

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